Correspondence between Dorothy Melvin and Grahame Reid, 5 January 1942 - 30 December 1942


Correspondence between Dorothy Melvin and Grahame Reid, 5 January 1942 - 30 December 1942


This file contains 3 folders including letters regarding:
-Proposed purchase of a vegetable cutting machine
-Training of Navy, Army and Air Force (NAAF) canteen cooks
-Fuel economy
-Billeting of RAF barrage balloon men
-Mobile canteen collision with tramcar
-Feeding Ministry of Labour staff and children of Woodside School as training for canteen cooks
-Position of the College in the event of invasion
-Rationing of cloth, rubber (plimsolls shortage), food
-Supply of milk for students
-Adjusting College holidays for students to assist with harvesting
-Cultivation of the playing fields and looking after the crops
-Proposed removal of College railings for scrap
-Revised diploma course in Dietetics and recognition by the British Dietetic Association
-Paper rationing and pricing and supply of copies of "The Glasgow Cookery Book" from the publisher

Recurring topics described at sub-series level.




3 folders