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  • Tags: diploma

WSC-2-3_HousewiferyDiplomaCertificate c1905.jpg
This file contains 7 certificates:
-Diploma in Cookery, sample (1 duplicate)
-Diploma in Laundry Work, sample
-Diploma in Housewifery, sample (2 duplicates)
-Housekeeper's Certificate, sample
-First-class diploma in Household Cookery, issued for…

This file contains 4 Glasgow and West of Scotland College of Domestic Science certificates (and 16 duplicates):
-Group I Diploma, study of 3 years' duration in homecraft subjects and the related sciences (certificate 1) [4 duplicates]
-Group II…

This file contains 2 Glasgow and West of Scotland College of Domestic Science certificates (and 6 duplicates):
-Dietitian's Diploma, one year course in subjects of nutrition, diet therapy, physiology, biochemistry, bacteriology, hygiene and…
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